From left: Mirosław Wielgoś, M.D., Ph.D. - Rector Medical University of Warsaw, Grażyna Czetwertyńska, Ph.D. - President of The Kosciuszko Foundation Poland, Ewa Radwanska M.D., Ph.D. - the Trustee of The Kosciuszko Foundation, and the prize winner Aleksander Prejbisz M.D., Ph.D. - Department of Hypertension, Institute of Cardiology, Warsaw, Poland. Kosciuszko Foundation awarded a $10,000 prize for the best medical article published during 2015-2016 in English by a Polish doctor residing in Poland. The recipient of this prize is Professor Aleksander Prejbisz from the Department of Hypertension, Institute of Cardiology, Warsaw, Poland.The prize is named after Bohdan and Zygmunt Janczewski, brothers who were doctors in Warsaw. When Zygmunt, a well-known pioneer andrologist, died in 2007, he willed his estate to the Kosciusko Foundation under the condition that a biennial award be established in his and his brother's memory.The title of Professor Prejbisz's prize-winning article is Smaller caliber renal arteries are a novel feature of uromodulin-associated kidney disease" and is found in (Kidney International, Official Journal of the International Society of Nephrology (July 2015, Volume 88, Issue 1). Almost 30 articles were submitted for consideration of the prize by doctors throughout Poland. The award committee consisting of distinguished professors from various medical fields reviewed the articles and selected the winner. They included the following:
The prize was presented to Prof. Prejbisz on, December 4, during major medical conference in Warsaw, devoted to 2017 Nobel Prize Winners in Medicine, organized by the Faculty of Medicine - Medical University of Warsaw. This annual conference is attended every year by a few hundred most distinguished representatives of the medical world. |