Please see in the link below a call for nominations for the Casimir Funk Natural Sciences Award and the Tadeusz Sendzimir Applied Sciences Award offered by the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences of America.
It is a good opportunity to honor and recognize outstanding Polish-American scientists, their achievements, and their contributions to science.
Should you know any person whom you think is a deserving candidate, please contact Dr. Hanna Chroboczek Kelker or Dr. Wlodek Mandecki, the Foundation's Trustees who chair the Selection Committee of the respective PIASA Awards.
Polish Studies at Hunter College
Grant Program For Academics From Ukraine
KF Collegium of Eminent Scientists
THE KF HEADQUARTERS 15 East 65th Street New York. NY 10065 tel. (212) 734 2130 |
WASHINGTON D.C. CENTER 2025 O Street NW Washington D.C. 20036 tel. (202) 785 2320 |
WARSAW OFFICE ul. Kopernika 11/8 00-359 Warsaw, Poland tel.+48 (22) 621 70 67