Humanities / Socjology

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Dr Marcin Gońda

Assistant Professor at the Institute of Sociology, University of Lodz, Poland

The Kosciuszko Foundation Scholar, Dr Marcin Gońda (Academic Year 2018-2019) investigates the process of (re)construction of the homeland's image by Polish diaspora in Cleveland (Ohio) and its implication for collective identity negotiations. He seeks to understand how post-communist Poland appears in Polonia's imagination on two levels: individual (diaspora members' experiences) and institutional (diasporic organizations' activities). He intends to compare these research findings with results of his PhD thesis on Poland's reception among the Poles in the former Soviet Union countries.

Dr Gońda is conducting his Kościuszko Foundation fellowship at the Department of Sociology, Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. He cooperates with Professor Mary Erdmans, a distinguished scholar in the field of American Polonia. He also gave guest lectures in current migration situation of Poland at the Cleveland State University and the University of Akron.

Dr Gońda works at the Institute of Sociology at the University of Lodz. He also cooperates with the Centre of Migration Research at the University of Warsaw. His research interests cover return migration and diaspora policies, educational migration, a transformation of migration policies of EU member states and implementation of qualitative research methods (including biographical approach) in migration studies.


Dr Marcin Gońda