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Author's evening with Erin Einhorn

Thursday, January 13, 2011, at 6:30pm

When reporter Erin Einhorn found the family in Poland that hid her mother from the Nazis during World War II, she thought she'd created a made-for-TV-reunion for two families thrown together by history. A man who knew her mother as a child threw his arms around her and - tears streaming down his face - told her the little girl had been a sister to him. But the initial embrace soon gave way to half a century's hurt feelings and resentments. Erin found herself apologizing for choices made years before she was born, untangling a real estate deal made on a handshake by people no longer alive and struggling to prove the death of a great-grandfather born in 1868. Then, as she confronted the heart-wrenching circumstances of her family's tragic past, unexpected events in her own life altered her mission completely.

Books will be available for purchase at the Kosciuszko Foundation.

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