Idziemy na piknik!
Bedziemy spiewac piosenki i czytac o piknikach, wycieczkach, lemoniadzie i wszystkim, co kojarzy sie z latem
Program is designed for kids ages 6 and under, and it is in Polish
We invite all the children for story time in Polish. It is a great opportunity for parents to encourage their children to speak Polish. It's also a chance to meet friends and have fun!
Questions? Please contact Katarzyna Klimasinska at:
THE KF HEADQUARTERS 15 East 65th Street New York. NY 10065 tel. (212) 734 2130 |
WASHINGTON D.C. CENTER 2025 O Street NW Washington D.C. 20036 tel. (202) 785 2320 |
WARSAW OFFICE ul. Kopernika 11/8 00-359 Warsaw, Poland tel.+48 (22) 621 70 67