The KF Exchange Program participants are required to submit mid-term and final reports of their research to the Kosciuszko Foundation. Any delay in submitting the reports may result in blacklisting the participant and financial consequences.
All participants must acknowledge the Kosciuszko Foundation in any publication and/or broadcast resulting from their visit to the United States under the KF auspices. Suggested credit line: This research has been made possible by the Kosciuszko Foundation. The American Centre of Polish Culture. A copy of any such publication should be passed to the Kosciuszko Foundation for permanent record.
THE KF HEADQUARTERS 15 East 65th Street New York. NY 10065 tel. (212) 734 2130 |
WASHINGTON D.C. CENTER 2025 O Street NW Washington D.C. 20036 tel. (202) 785 2320 |
WARSAW OFFICE ul. Kopernika 11/8 00-359 Warsaw, Poland tel.+48 (22) 621 70 67