Święty Mikołaj (Santa Claus)
will visit
the Kosciuszko Foundation
Saturday | December 7, 2019 | 3:00 PM
All children and their parents are invited. The event will feature singing traditional Christmas Carols, making Christmas ornaments with the Polish Scouting Folk Craft Instructors and fun raffle.
The event is organized by the Polish American Teachers Association.
Tickets: $10 - children, $20 - adults accompanied by a child.
Assemblyman Ramos Visits Kosciuszko Foundation/Folkowisko Operation on Ukrainian Border
Upcoming Events - Live at the KF NY
Happy Birthday to the founding father of the Kosciuszko Foundation
THE KF HEADQUARTERS 15 East 65th Street New York. NY 10065 tel. (212) 734 2130 |
WASHINGTON D.C. CENTER 2025 O Street NW Washington D.C. 20036 tel. (202) 785 2320 |
WARSAW OFFICE ul. Kopernika 11/8 00-359 Warsaw, Poland tel.+48 (22) 621 70 67 www.kfpoland.org