The Foundation, named for the Revolutionary War hero Thaddeus Kosciuszko, is a not-for-profit organization based in New York City. It was established in 1925 to encourage and promote the study of Polish culture, history, language, and tradition in the United States. It is the Foundation's objective to foster among Americans of Polish ancestry a deeper understanding of their cultural heritage, thereby enriching the pluralistic culture and traditions of the United States of America.
The Foundation builds international understanding through the interchange of students and scholars, knowledge and skills; through its book program for Polish institutions of higher learning and by sponsoring summer study programs at Polish universities. The Foundation conducts its educational services by providing scholarships to worthy students attending American universities, organizing lectures, concerts, art exhibits, and promoting publications and books on Polish topics.
The Philadelphia Chapter received its official charter in October of 1994. The chapter supports the traditional scholastic, intellectual, and exchange programs of The Kosciuszko Foundation and organizes cultural events with a Polish theme in the Philadelphia area. The Officers and Executive Board invite your participation in our chapter activities.